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SCMDentistry and dental prosthodontics

University of Siena
Italy, Siena
School of Medicine and Health Sciences Italy, Siena, strada delle Scotte, 4 (Policlinico Santa Maria alle Scotte)
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The Undergraduate Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics LM-46 aims to prepare for the practice of the dental profession, through theoretical education and practical training provided in English. The English language is used both in lectures and practical training, as well as in the evaluation of the preparation. The communication in English of all the didactic contents is aimed at enabling undergraduate students to have a more direct and advanced access to scientific knowledge, which is mainly shared in English language, and to a more current interaction with the academic community and the international network of professionals.

The institution of the Undergraduate Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics LM-46 meets the requests that emerged from the consultation of the students attending the pre-existing Undergraduate Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics in Italian, as well as of public institutions and professionals operating with various roles in the dental sector. All these subjects have recognized in the training in English a higher qualification of the professional figure of the Dentist.

Since 1980, the Siena University has been among the promoters and founders of the Undergraduate Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics in our country and has continuously provided the course, over the last six years in inter-university with Florence.

The institution of the Undergraduate Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics LM-46 completes the picture of the dental education offered in English by this University, which already features several Postgraduate courses (Master’s and PhD). The consolidated experience of the Postgraduate courses has given indication of the existence of a pool of foreign students who are attracted by the educational offer provided in English by the University of Siena. To foreign students, the institution of the Undergraduate Course in English presents as an additional, valuable study opportunity.From the academic year 2023-24 the degree will be qualifying to the profession.

Program structure

MUR Degree class: LM-46 Dentistry and orthodontics
Duration: 6 years
Credits: 360
Language: English

Career opportunities

After graduation, Doctors in Dentistry will be able to work in private practice as well as in public Hospitals. Also, the degree in Dentistry will allow graduates to apply to Master’s programs, PhD programs, and Specialty programs in Oral Surgery or Orthodontics.

The University of Siena features a variety of postgraduate schools and doctoral research schools.
The University also organizes Master’s programs, advanced training, refresher courses, and summer schools, with the choice of two starting dates per year.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment