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BAScienze storiche e del patrimonio culturale / *IN ITALIANO*

University of Siena
Italy, Siena
Department of History and Cultural Heritage Italy, Siena, Palazzo San Galgano, via Roma, 47 - 53100
Tuition fee

After being admitted and obtaining the visa (if this is your case), it is necessary to pay a fee to complete the enrollment. Tuition fees are paid annually in installments based on the total amount. Read more and access our online simulator at admission.unisi.it/?p=1204

Application fee €40 per program

You will receive an e-mail with the payment instructions.

More information



This course is aimed at students who intend to acquire a solid historical and cultural background and to master the tools to operate in the field of knowledge and protection of the archaeological, historical and artistic heritage.
A heritage of all, of which our country is very rich: its protection – which is a fundamental commitment of the Republic, sanctioned by Article 9 of the Italian Constitution – today more than ever requires trained, competent operators able to respond to the challenges of the world that changes.

Program structure

Class MIUR: L-1 Class of degrees in cultural heritage
Duration: 3 years
Credits: 180

Career opportunities

This degree course aims to train a broad-spectrum cultural heritage operator, with the knowledge and skills to work, depending on the chosen address, as an expert at:
- archaeological parks
- museums
- archives
- libraries
- institutions, companies, public and private bodies operating in the field of knowledge and protection of cultural heritage.
This course also guarantees the student who so wishes and makes the appropriate choices, the possibility of accessing training courses for teaching in middle and high schools.

Apply now! First intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024
Apply now! Second intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024
Apply now! First intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024
Apply now! Second intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024