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MScEcotossicologia e sostenibilità ambientale / *IN ITALIANO*

Application fee €40 per program

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This course provides students with in-depth knowledge in the fields of ecotoxicology and sustainability and environmental management analyzes. The sustainability of human actions can be assessed from two points of view: the first that goes in the direction of making the resources used increasingly renewable, the second that aims at minimizing the effects of human actions on the environment.

This course of study develops on three levels: a theoretical-epistemological one, to understand the complexity of natural and anthropic systems and to investigate their scientific bases; a second, more practical one, to develop environmental monitoring and evaluation techniques and indicators, to study transformation processes, ecosystems, and territorial and economic systems. The third level allows us to gain an overall view, to prefigure economic development scenarios based on what the American ecologist H. Odum calls “a prosperity without growth”

Program structure

The degree course in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability is taught in Italian.

Class MIUR: LM-75 – Master’s Degree in Science and Technology for the Environment and the Territory
Duration: 2 years
Credits: 120

Career opportunities

This course prepares for professions of biologists and similar professions, ecologists, researchers and technicians graduates in the chemical and pharmaceutical sciences, researchers and technicians graduates in Earth sciences, researchers and technicians graduates in biological sciences and allows access to the State Exam for the qualification to the profession of geologist and biologist.

The Master’s Degree in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability is able to train master’s graduates with a theoretical and practical preparation such that they can be inserted in different employment situations, national and international, such as:
1) public and private research facilities;
2) public structures responsible for the control and management of environmental quality, for the conservation of biodiversity, nature and the territory (e.g. Ministry of the Environment, Regional and Provincial Administrations);
3) specific agencies (e.g. ISPRA, regional and provincial agencies, CPS & Q, ECHA);
4) private facilities in the areas of emissions, effluent and waste control;
5) professional management studies, analysis and assessment of environmental impact, analysis and assessment of environmental risk, territorial planning;
6) chemical, pharmaceutical, mine-metallurgical, iron and steel, energy production industry, as ecotoxicologist, expert in LCA.

The employment opportunities are expected to increase in the near future both for the approval of the regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances (REACH) that due to the growing need for experts (ecotoxicologists) for the management of risks deriving from “industrial chemical” substances, management of natural resources and of natural systems, land use planning, vehicular traffic management, to cite some examples, aspects sanctioned not only by the current national and / or community legislation, but also by the growing need to comply with international protocols and conventions. Graduates will also have further career opportunities in higher education, university education and in scientific communication and dissemination.
With regard to access to the professions (DPR 328/01 of 05.06.2001, GU of 08/17/2001) the master’s degree in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, allows, subject to passing the prescribed state examination, enrollment in the Register of Biologists and Geologists Register.

Apply now! First intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024
Apply now! Second intake - Academic year 2024/25
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Sep 23, 2024
Apply now! First intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024
Apply now! Second intake - Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
Sep 23, 2024